Another commercial

Alright, you can call me a sentimental old bugger but I don’t care who knows it. I love the Qantas commercials… this one is simply called Introducing Qantas Dreamliner but, in just 2 minutes, it tells a great story and brings a tear to my eye. See if it does the same...

Speak confidently

When you are talking to prospects you should always sound like an expert and, because most people are not good at expressing themselves, this is where you can fall down. The number one fear of most people is speaking in public, the number two fear is death… and that...

Build your community profile

Here’s a great thing to aim for this year. Join, attend and get involved in a service club or other community organization. There are many reasons you should do so, not the least that your involvement will become a useful source of business. Discover how to turn...

Protecting your technology

The cybersecurity nightmares of 2017 highlight the need to protect yourself. Here are some resolutions for living a safer digital life this new year. Update Your Software Read Privacy Policies Delete Unnecessary Apps Use a VPN Protect Your Hardware Of course you know...