On the Sunday before Anzac Day the Returned Services League arranges that most communities have their local Anzac Day commemoration.
So, I almost always go down to stand on the kerb and applaud them as the old, the bold and the brave march past to their remembrance service. I must confess it’s always a moving occasion and I have more than one tear in my eye.
I wonder whether those warriors have ever given thought to what they fought for, and what they think of today’s contemporary society.
Remember, most of them were in their nation’s service at the best time of life… in their late teens and early twenties.
Yet, how are young people in that age bracket spending their time now?
Sure, the majority of them are good citizens, working hard and enjoying life as responsible members of the community. However, too often we hear and see reports of young people being anything but great citizens and abusing the rights for which those old soldiers fought.
Yesterday, we learned that two teenagers, 18 and 15, had allegedly stolen a car after a home invasion and, in running a red light, killed two people in the process.
Sadly, the victims were a recently married young couple in the first year of their life together. Their lives over without the opportunity to enjoy all of the wonderful experiences that should have been theirs. Snuffed out in an instant because of the stupidity, carelessness and sheer irresponsibility of two young people.
If the men and women marching today had known they were fighting for the rights of young rat bags to do what they like, I wonder how they would have felt about serving their country.
It’s time we united voices to force government to really crack down on young offenders. Otherwise the sacrifice of those who marched will have been in vain.
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