Recently, in my neck of the woods, there’s been lots of companies trying to lure consumers to sign up for special power deals or to reduce their health insurance costs.
As you can guess, all sorts of offers and enticements have been dangled in front of people to get them to try each company’s offerings.
What really frustrates me and wastes my time is that most of the companies say, “Just go to our website and find out how good our deal is, how much you will save and why we are so much better than anybody else”.
So, that looks pretty straightforward doesn’t it?
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The only trouble is that when you go to their website they ask you a couple of cursory questions and then want your phone number so they can unleash a sales person on to you.
And I don’t want to have to deal with some annoying sales person. I want to find out the facts they said I could get by simply going to their website.
I don’t know about you but I reckon it is infuriating.
When you say people can find out what they need to know by going to your website that’s exactly what they should get. The facts.
It shouldn’t be used as a lead generation mechanism merely to get a phone number so that a silver-tongued, golden-tonsilled, irritating salesperson can annoy you until you buy or die.
Stop the frustration! Give people what you promise when you promise it!
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