I love the chapter headings in Stephen Covey’s book “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”. In particular, the one that stands out for me is “Start with the end in mind”.
For instance, when you set out on some new venture in your business, it really boils down to recognising what you want to achieve. What’s important when you’re thinking of introducing a new product or service, for example?
Most people get so immersed in the package they have dreamt up they spend all of their time, energy and money focusing on putting it together. They invest a lot of money on getting the bells and whistles right, developing the new website and so on that they become oblivious to the really important point.
And what is that important point?
Practical advice and solutions expressed clearly and concisely.
Pick Winno's brain.
Simple! Is there someone out there, in fact many someones, who will buy it? Are there enough prospects who will not only need, but want, what they are developing? Will it solve lots of potential buyers’ problems? And, if it does, how will they get the attention of those prospects to lure them to their shop, office or website to buy it?
So, when you’re thinking about developing a new product or service ask yourself this important question: Are there lots of prospects out there who will choose to buy your product rather than your competitor’s, doing it themselves or doing nothing?
Answering that question will often save you heaps of time, money and tears.
By the way, do solid research! Don’t go by your gut feelings and don’t place too much credence on the opinions of friends, spouses, partners or relatives.
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