In the first part of this article I said you’ve got to give them meaningful specifics rather than meaningless generalities. You’ve got to spell out what makes your service great or why your location is handy or how your staff are special, and so on.

I promised to give you a list of a few thought starters to help you come up with ideas to differentiate your business from the competition.

So here they are:

  1. What are the details of your free trial, your free consultation, your free analysis?
  2. What’s your guarantee?
  3. What’s your range of products? Just don’t say “big range”, be specific. “3,475 different widgets in 227 sizes”.
  4. Do you offer any information, and is it offered differently? A Big Fat Information Pack, a free booklet or a Special Report.
  5. Do you have special equipment, and what’s its dollar value, or where did it come from, or what does it do?
  6. What is the specific training and experience of your staff?
  7. What price value do you give, or what price saving do you offer, and why can you do this?
  8. What is your service and the backup you provide?
  9. Do you have a handy location, great parking, or always arrive on time?
  10. Any other darn reason you can think of that differentiates you.

Now, in the next part of this article, I’ll show you how to turn some of those thought starters into meaningfully specific reasons to do business with you.

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