Yes, that’s right and you don’t hear me say that too often!

So let me explain!

As I was contentedly having a Sunday morning cup of coffee and a lingering read of the Herald Sun, much to the annoyance of other patrons who would have loved to seize it from me and read it themselves, I happened upon an advertisement I really loved.

It was a quarter page, horizontal advert on the right hand side of the page, a great place to get noticed!

And the headline immediately attracted my attention as it loudly proclaimed “Pull your finger out and get your hearing checked“!

What a beaut headline! On the verge of naughty too. After all, in this social media dominated, politically correct world, what boss would approve an advert with the words “Pull your finger out“? Wouldn’t clients, connections and associates think that was crass? Yes, maybe they would, but who cares? It would certainly attract the attention of potential clients, the target market, who would see it and read the rest of the copy and that’s what counts!

Download Winston’s fantastic “How to write a great advertisement” for just $40 here

And the balance of the copy is pretty good. It amplifies and explains the headline, which is what good copy should do. Then there’s a reasonably attractive proposition inviting action with the reassurance they won’t be put under any pressure.

So I really love this because its simple. And straightforward… easy to understand and act upon. It’s English as it is spoke! It’s an advertisement written in the style I love… somebody talking “me-to-you” just as they would in normal conversation.

It’s the type of advertisement you should endeavour to emulate. Don’t worry about what other people think. Only be concerned about the market you’re trying to attract, what they will think and whether it will get them to take action.