The other day I was out on my early morning walk with my dogs. It had been raining overnight, but as we walked it was diminishing to drizzle and obviously the weather would soon clear.

When I am alone with my dogs I have the chance to see what’s happening around me and ponder events. My pondering soon focussed on one thing!


That’s right, snails. There were were literally millions of them! Because, you know what happens on wet days… the snails come out of nowhere and start making their way purposefully to somewhere.

And often, with the weather clearing, you’d reckon they have no chance of making it before birds, animals and people wreak havoc upon them. Surely, they were a bit stupid.

But does that stop the little blighters?

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No way! They’re smart; they stick to their appointed tasks apparently unmoved or unaware of the perils they may encounter. They reckon they’re gunna make it!

And I thought how different people are!

Unlike snails, they give up when they encounter the first problem. Unlike snails they see the pitfalls not the prizes.

Perhaps the difference is that snails start off expecting they’ll make it; many people start off expecting to fail!