Now I’m sure that, when the owners opened a brand new dental clinic in a shopping centre near me, they didn’t expect that business would be as quiet as it is.

That’s why they spent a squillion dollars (and dental clinics cost heaps to establish), put on a team of dentists and care assistants and waited for a flood of patients through the door.

And waited… and waited… and waited!

I guess, like many people who are new to business, they thought they merely threw open the doors and people would beat a path through those doors.

And that’s precisely what hasn’t happened.

Practical advice and solutions expressed clearly and concisely.
Pick Winno's brain.

There is an old saying, “If you build a better mouse trap you have to tell people about it otherwise the mice continue to multiply and your mouse traps rust.“

I’ve always paraphrased, Dan Kennedy I think it was, who said, “Be a better marketer of what you do than doer of what you do!“

And to be a better marketer of what they do isn’t going to cost those dentists lots and lots of money.

There are some simple marketing initiatives they could take which would have people coming through the doors in ever increasing numbers.

Let’s just start with a simple one.

And that is to use the receptionist, who is sitting there reading a book, to go and visit everyone who works in the shopping centre and introduce themselves and the dental clinic. They could carry a simply worded flyer or letter of introduction offering an irresistible incentive to call into the clinic and say “Hello”. It could be a teeth care kit, teeth whitening, a smile polish or a no strings, absolutely free examination.

The receptionist might need some coaching on what to say, learning to smile and be friendly. If they don’t have those characteristics and can’t be trained then don’t waste the opportunity… hire somebody who has them for a couple of weeks, pay them a retainer and an incentive based on results.

If they are prepared to go hand in hand with “Terry the Tooth Fairy” they can also introduce the clinic to people shopping in the centre.

It’s amazing how often people make the mistake of thinking that once they open their business everybody will know about it. That’s the curse of assumption….They really need to be tapped on the shoulder and told, “Hey, have a look at this!”

You’ll never go broke underestimating the intelligence of your potential customers, clients or patients.

More in my next instalment.