Well, no, it’s probably not really useless because it stands as proud testimony to how advertising agency creative types love doing stuff that looks good and massages the client’s ego but doesn’t yield any results.

It should remind you that when you invest money in advertising you must always measure the results. If the advertising generates you profitable sales then keep doing it; if it doesn’t, cease, desist and find an alternative approach that does.

Here’s a huge outdoor sign on a freeway near me. As you can see it shows cans of beer, a tennis ball and the words “OPEN AUSTRALIAN”.

And, yes, it is true that the Australian Open Tennis Tournament is being played in Melbourne currently. And it’s also true that Coopers (a strange beer made in Adelaide and primarily drunk by South Australian inhabitants) is one of 31 partners (sponsors) of that Tournament.

But so what does the sign do for Coopers?

I’m darned if I know!

A crash course in cunning tactics and savvy strategies that will give your business an incredible shot in the arm... not for a day or two, but forever. Get it now!

Remembering, you’ll never go broke underestimating the intelligence of your audience. I’d reckon that most people who see that huge sign won’t register or remember any message.

I don’t believe Coopers can anticipate any increase in sales because of the message, or their sponsorship for that matter. But, of course they’ll say the expense was worth it because of “branding”!

But maybe if they tried a message like “Get a free Coopers beer during the tennis! See www.freebeer.com” it might encourage some people to try the beer, like it, become fans and ultimately increase their sales.

The message for us? Make sure that every advertising dollar you spend works its backside off for you.