So, in my last article I said your objective at the trade show is to get real, live prospects for follow up after the show.

You know you qualify them by finding out their problems, reminding and exacerbating them so they are hot to know more about your solution. You get their business card, follow them up that evening with a contact letter or email letting them know you’ll be in touch.

It all sounds very easy doesn’t it? But how do you do that?

Well, it’s quite simple really. When you are talking to that prospect on the stand you don’t just rabbit on saying anything that comes into your head! You must follow a sales track.

Create a script for what you want to say. Never, ever allow yourself, or anyone else working the stand, to say whatever comes into your, or their head, at the time. What you do is write the script, from the prospect’s arrival at the stand to when they depart. Everything must be carefully scripted to give you the best possible result.

That, of course, leads to an important point, PRD… practise, rehearse and drill. Don’t wait until people get to the stand to try out what you’re going to say… you’ve only got limited time. Role play until the presentations are perfect. Perfect practise makes for perfect delivery.

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What’s next? Well, assuming you’ve been successful and got the information you need, follow up with that overnight note or email pronto. If you do, the prospect is going to get a very favourable impression and say, “Wow, look at that. These people are really on the ball.”

If you leave it too long to get the information to them, they’ve forgotten who you are, where they met you and why they wanted the information. So, follow up pronto.

And finally, don’t expect them to buy immediately. After all, they’ve got other things on their mind apart from you. Stay in touch because, no matter how much they may need what you’ve got, life gets in the way. It may take a little time, but you need to carefully build and nurture the relationship by staying in touch, around six to eleven times a year.

Ultimately, those people will do business with you. And, when they do, you’ll reap rich rewards.