Every so often you get a wonderful reminder of a truth you know.

And so it was when my wife decided our lemon tree was producing far more lemons than we could possibly consume.

A believer in doing unto others as she would have them do unto her, she decided she would give some lemons away.

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Our house is located on a street that has a fair bit of foot traffic on the way to the shopping centre so she decided to put them on the fence post and people would help themselves.

Which she did first thing in the morning, only to find they were still there later in the afternoon. Nobody had taken any!

That evening I reminded her of one of the most wonderful of the twelve magic words… free!

Next day she put the lemons out again with the words “FREE LEMONS” written on a piece of paper as you can see.

They were gone in less than twenty minutes!

Now, I know you might say more people walked past on the second day. Or those that went past on the first day were too honest and wouldn’t take them without permission. Or, or, or…

But I reckon it was the power of that word… free.

Use it wherever you can. Work out what you’ve got of value that your market will see as being a great deal when it’s “free!” And give it to them.