Alright, alright! Yes, I know that Easter is a long way off and we do have Valentine’s Day before then but, remembering the 6P’s means I’m gunna give you enough time to get ready to write to a few prospects to get their attention.
Here’s the famous Easter Egg letter (based on the equally famous Christmas Cake letter). Both have worked their backside off because they are novel, get attention, are an anchor (reminder) when Wendy (or better still you) phone and the prospect is intrigued.
Alter it to suit you and your business but for heaven’s sake have a go.

Good morning <name>
An Easter Egg for you!
This incredibly delicious Easter egg is a gift with my compliments for you to enjoy. You’re probably wondering why I chose to send it to you.
It’s not often I guess that you receive Easter eggs through the mail … particularly from somebody you really don’t know.
That’s why I chose to send a gift to you. Because you don’t know me I found it hard to just pick up the telephone and ring you to introduce myself. It’s the underlying reason for the gift. I reckoned that you’d know I was serious about meeting you if I sent something to get your attention.
So that’s the motive… simple, straightforward and sincere. I really do want you to invest a few minutes of your time to meet me. To hear about several money saving ideas that are working for a mutual friend of yours and mine. Ideas that are guaranteed to help you make more of your money… in ways that are so simple and effective you’ll wonder why you haven’t thought about them before.
I’ll have Wendy from my office phone you in the next day or so to arrange an appointment. I’m sure that, just like the egg, these ideas are ones that you’ll want to hop into before Easter!
Until we have the opportunity of meeting soon.
Yours sincerely,
P.S. Many people have told me these ideas are the most egg-citing they’ve ever heard … and used!

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