Yep, that’s what I got recently when I shopped at a local pharmacy.

I went in to buy over-the-counter tablets for my seizing bones and, without asking me for any proof that I was entitled to it, the shop assistant gave me a 10% discount!

Now, maybe she took one look at me and knocked that off the price out of sympathy or upon recognising my advanced age and declining body!

Practical advice and solutions expressed clearly and concisely.
Pick Winno's brain.

But why?

Why give me a discount for no reason at all (well, at least a reason that is understood by me)?

What she did was open the boss’s cash drawer and hand me real money, $3.30 of real money.

Just plain silly! I didn’t want, need or ask for it.

If she was taking pity on me or thought I deserved a reward for merely standing up, she should have given me something with a retail value that cost the boss a whole lot less (coz the boss gets it wholesale).

A few of those lovely, very memorable Glucojel jelly beans that Pharmacies sell would have cost nothing and I would have loved it!

It’s called “the soft dollars approach”. So, if you ever get the urge to discount, stop and think, “What can I give the customer that costs me a whole lot less than the value they will perceive?”

It’s money in the bank!