For the life of me I can’t understand why so many real estate agents do the same thing on their signs, particularly those that are advertising a building for lease or sale.

And what’s that?

It’s giving you multiple choices!

For example, on this sign you see that the agency has listed four people and their contact numbers and I just wonder why.

What are you supposed to do… if the first person you phone doesn’t answer, do you phone the next person and so on?

Seems to me that it would be far better to name one person and give their contact number and a reassuring title like “Leasing Expert” or “Area Specialist”.

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Otherwise, for heaven’s sake, how do you decide which one of the four to phone?

Maybe people always phone the first on the list in which case do the four agents fight for the right to be named first or merely take it in turns?

I know it’s a minor matter but to my marketing mind it’d be much easier to…

keep it simple!

As I think I may have said before, you’ll never go broke underestimating the intelligence of your market!