I’ve just been attending a conference, in fact it was the Professional Speakers Australia convention, and it’s where the cream of conference speakers meet to socialise, listen and share.

For two days at this great conference attendees have been bombarded with amazing ideas, state-of-the-art techniques and technologies that can change lives in the world.

In fact so much so that after the first couple of sessions on the first day I was already at information overload.

But the information kept coming up… and coming… and coming!

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And I looked at the people around me who were taking copious notes either on their digital devices or by writing page after page of notes. And, if they don’t do something with those soon, guess what will happen?


You see, they mean to do something with them but, when they get back home, life has a habit of getting in the way.

All those great thoughts and ideas they were going to turn into action get forgotten and the value of the conference, the real reason they went, gets dissipated and gradually forgotten.

The solution is simple! All they have to do before they start their journey home is find an hour of quiet time to sort out the three (or five) most important things they must do as a result of the thoughts they captured at the conference.

And just three or five actions items are enough! They’ll be as many as anybody can add to their already busy day-to-day activities.

But, if adopted, it’s a recipe for making things happen!