On at least a couple of occasions in the last week or so I’ve gone to a Company’s website and wanted more information than it provided.

There is always a “Contact us” tab which invariably turns out to be one of those terrible drop down forms which you are asked to complete with the nature of your enquiry as well as other useless information like the name of your first dog and the weight of a kilogram of feathers.

Naturally, because you desperately want the answer to your query you fill it out and hit the “Send” button as instructed and it disappears off to goodness knows where. Hopefully, however, to a real person who has the answers you require.

And, almost instantly, you get an email or a web message advising you that “Your enquiry has been received and we will respond shortly!”

And then… nothing. Nothing… forever and ever, amen!

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Frustrated that I had not received a reply from either of the companies to whom I had sent contact forms I called both of them. In each case, when I told them I’d not received a reply to my contact request, their response was similar.

“0h, we’ve had a few people tell us that!”

I didn’t bother to ask what they’d done about it because the answer was obvious. Nothing!

I just wonder how much potential business companies are losing because nobody regularly checks to see that a real, live human being is receiving and answering web enquiries.

And I wonder how many companies not only answer the enquirer promptly but then stick with them until they “buy or die”!

So, the moral of the story? Make sure your system for handling enquires functions flawlessly and reaps you wonderful rewards!