Here are some terrific phrases that will help you to achieve the most important thing in direct marketing – getting your prospect to take action!

The phrases are: But that’s not all… Or if you prefer… Now here’s all you do… Better still… More important than that…

Here’s how those magic phrases work in your promotional material:

  1. But that’s not all – you receive three pieces for the price of two!
  2. Or if you prefer, you can pay in four easy instalments.
  3. Now here’s all you do: simply cut out the coupon and mail it to me.
  4. Better still we install a completely new set of taps and seals.
  5. More important than that we regularly review your portfolio to keep you ahead of the index.

Dynamite phrases, aren’t they? As you can see, you can use them in any business – especially yours.

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