Now, if you’ve ever heard me wax lyrical about the Three Black Boxes of Business, which are the boxes you need to make your business run successfully on autopilot, then you’ll remember that the first of those black boxes is the device to generate you an endless supply of prospects. It’s your prospect generation device.

In other words, you’ve got to get a little black box that you can have ticking away in your office, in your shop, in your factory, in your car, wherever you do business, that generates you an endless supply of great quality prospects. The type you want, the quality you want, and the number you want… day after day after day.

You see, the most important thing you need in any business is people wanting to buy your product or service. That’s critical. Without them, you do not have a business! But for most businesses, that’s their biggest problem. They don’t have that endless supply of prospects because they haven’t created the little black box, the prospect generation device.

So, what would constitute that? It may be just one thing or it may be a number of things.

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For example, it could be a great advertisement. One that you’ve tested over time, and you know that every time you run it in the newspaper or on the radio or on television it generates you a certain number of prospects which you can convert into a number of sales. Knowing that, determines how often you need to run that advertisement. You keep on running it regularly it until it doesn’t work anymore (by which time of course you will have prudently developed a new advertisement to replace it!).

I’ll give you some more examples of other prospect generation black boxes in future articles.

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