This morning I had an appointment at a fancy schmancy university where you are welcomed, checked in and announced to the person you are seeing electronically. So, I did as bidden and tapped in all of my information to be told electronically that the person I was seeing had been notified I had arrived and take a seat. Meantime take the parking permit the machine had disgorged and display it in my car.

I did all of that, sat down and waited. And waited! And waited!

Nothing happened!

So, finally, I found a human who investigated to find out why the person I was meeting had not turned up. The answer was simple… they weren’t in the office so they didn’t get the message I was there.

I could have sat and waited forever!

Now, I got lots of apologies subsequently but that didn’t compensate me for the wasted time and inconvenience.

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Quite simply, the system wasn’t foolproof and it got me wondering. Are all of the systems I use foolproof? What happens when they go wrong? Does my client suffer? Good questions all! So I’m checking a few things in my appointment making and follow up systems that could be treacherous and mess me up. Worse, mess my clients up!

Maybe you should check some of your critical customer interaction systems too.

Oh, an afterthought. Of course, as I said, I got heaps of apologies but nothing that could really compensate me for the time and effort I wasted. I’m now reflecting on what maybe could have been done so I’ll have a few ideas if I mess my clients up.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay