In a previous article I have mentioned this and it is using three words in your writing or speeches to give them much more gravitas, more importance, more memorability. As the writer of an article on the subject, Andrew Dlugan, says, “Using the Rule of Three allows you to express concepts more completely, emphasize your points, and increase the memorability of your message. That’s the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.”

Known as trios, triplets and triads you will find them being used in lots of places to, in my way of thinking, hammer home the message.

I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t offer you Winston Churchill’s “I would say to the House as I said to those who have joined this government: I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.” by way of a reminder! A saying so often misquoted as “blood, sweat and tears” – a classic triad.

So, what brought all this on, Winston?

Well, quite simply it is the current bout of advertsing that McDonalds is doing to tell us their Big Macs are much improved. They say they are

hotter, juicier, tastier

and I reckon those words make a very appealing message. Indeed as a non-consumer of Big Macs I have been sorely tempted to try one simply because hotter, juicier, tastier summons up a great mental picture and appeals to my stomach. I know I’ll weaken and try one… that’s the power of three.

P.S. Notice the three burgers in McDonalds’ promo shot! And just a thought, even KFC uses the power of three… finger lickin’good!