I got an email the other day with the subject line “Would you know what to do?” It was from the Hyundai/Kia Dealer from whom I bought my car. That was an intriguing line so I had to read on and they had come up with a great idea. Well, you might not think it’s all that great but it’s the first time in fifty years of driving my wife or I have ever been offered such an event so it ticked the box for us.

The reason I’m mentioning it to you is quite simple. What can you do for your clients, customers or patients that is simple, valuable and worthwhile? Take some time to think outside the box and I’m sure you’ll come up with something so bleeding obvious that you’ll wonder why you haven’t thought about it before!
Winston's guru Dan Kennedy often says be a better marketer of what you do, than doer of what you do, and unfortunately, most people aren't. Learn the marketing basics for your business now! Marketing Magic
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