I don’t normally make New Year’s resolutions but usually set goals that I aim to achieve during the year.

But I hope this year I can do something a little bit different… I am making a commitment to something I reckon is pretty important.

And what’s that?

I’m going to start sending thank you notes to everybody I should thank.

Up till now I have I have occasionally made a thank you call or sent a thank you email but, more often than not, I haven’t even bothered. So, I‘ve decided any sort of digital thanks just doesn’t cut it.

I’m gunna make time in my day to personally write and tell people that I appreciate them. And, yep, a good old-fashioned hand written note in a hand addressed envelope with a stamp on it sent by snail mail! I reckon it will work gangbusters… well, at least, it’ll make me feel good.

If you want to do more, be more and achieve more you must read this book today!

I was sharing this idea with a dentist mate of mine today and I said, “What about you write a thank you note to each of your patients after you’ve seen them?”

Something like, “It was great to see you today and look after your teeth. And it was even better to have the chance for a chat and find out how things are with you. Thanks for a bright spot in my day“.

As I said to him, what other dentist in town would be writing a note like that?

And, when you do the things that other people don’t do, you get the results other people don’t get!

Well, I’m going to give it a go. What about you?