I think we all get hundreds of emails that compete to devour our time and yet most of them only get a cursory glance. However, occasionally we get one that sticks out and is worth reading. The one below did it for me.

Why? Simply because it’s personal (me-to-you style), simple language, has some relevant and useful information, tells you a bit about the company (started on 10 bucks a day), is obviously successful without being boastful and has a photo of the MD… obviously a real person (and looks like a good bloke!).

Worth studying the style and endeavouring to emulate it in your own way. (Hint: Write like you’re talking to the reader; not like your old English teacher taught you!)

May you and yours enjoy a great Christmas and the new year bring you all the bountiful blessings for which you could wish plus have a f-a-n-t-a-s-t-i-c day… Winno