Just before the break I had a Christmas card from my local federal parliamentarian. Quite a nice card really, featuring drawings by local school kids.
The message from her read “Best wishes for the festive season. From my family to yours, I wish you all the very best for the holiday period and for the New Year.” Politically correct and not going to get her into trouble or attract criticism.

But, on reflection, I thought – what an opportunity wasted! There was her family and her offering us great wishes and we don’t know a thing about them! Now I know that, as someone in the public arena, she has to protect her family but I reckon instead of a once a year Christmas card she could send us occasional updates so we get to know her and realise she’s just like all of us out here in the real world.
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Nothing too revealing but notes that told us one of her kids started school, her husband won a tennis trophy, they went to Lake Eildon for the long weekend or the dog broke his leg would show us that she and her family are just like us. She’d be building a bit of a personal relationship.
And politicians who build personal relationships, who their voters get to know, get re-elected even when the tide turns against their party.
And businesses who build personal relationships prosper!
How true Year In year out a very nice card But a more personal touch would be so beneficial to the sender come voting time
My point is that if she’d stayed in touch regularly, come voting time, we could meet her for a chat at the poling booth coz we’d kinda kknow her!