The article on sponsorship I wrote recently prompted a recollection from Bob Leonard who wrote to say…

“A great idea a former publican friend did re sponsorship was to offer them an amount, to get that amount he gave the club 1,000 vouchers for the club to distribute amongst its members.

Each time a club member dined in his restaurant he gave the club $5 with a potential $5,000 sponsorship if the club members supported him.

It worked well.”

I reckon that it’s a great idea, very simple and would work very effectively. The beauty of it is that the club really does all the work… getting the vouchers out to members, promoting their use and increasing their efforts when money starts to roll in.

Thanks Bob!

Just a thought I had since writing my article wherein I said “you must ask for the names and addresses of the organisation’s members.”

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Some readers reminded me that, with the stricter privacy laws in place nowadays, clubs were reluctant to give that information. And that’s right! However, the answer is simple.

Give the club the letter and the envelopes needed and let them do the mailing for you. You pay for the postage of course.

Simple, no breach of privacy and the club does the work. You reap the rewards.