You’ll recall that, when last we spoke, I mentioned the Vet and his problems of getting a successor in the country.

I prescribed a treatment plan known as “Selling the sizzle, not the steak.” So now let me explain.

“So how do you go about getting the right person to join your practice and hopefully become your successor?” I asked him.

“Well, I run an advert in Vet publications describing the position and the potential'” he replied.

“And would it start something along the lines of ‘Practice for Sale… Busy mixed animal practice in provincial town for sale due to retirement of current owner. Beautiful modern clinic with all the latest bits and pieces…” I said.

“Yes,” he agreed.

“And how would that look compared to all the other practice for sale adverts?” I asked.

“The same,” he admitted ruefully.

You’ve got to make your opportunity stand out from the crowd of all the other options.

Download Winston’s fantastic “How to write a great advertisement” for just $40 here

That’s when you sell the sizzle not the steak! To do that, he must…

  1. Decide who his target market is.  And that’s just not any Vet.  In fact it is somebody just like he was when he arrived in the town on a locum assignment 35 years ago and stayed forever… a young married man with a family for whom a lifestyle for him, his partner and young family was important.  And this was where he could achieve that.  So why wouldn’t there be someone like that today?
  2. Explain why the person targeted should choose to investigate his opportunity rather than one of the alternatives.  We’ll, that’s simple… they’re all vets so they’ll have a pretty good idea of what the clinic will look like and what it’s got.  So sell the sizzle… the lifestyle, particularly for the partner and kids.
  3. Get their attention by making sure they see it using both the traditional option of the Vet’s magazines (still well read) and the cyberspace alternatives like the Association e-newsletter.  Use a headline that seizes their attention and write copy that compels them to read on.

The advert could start…

Lifestyle opportunity for a Vet with a young family!  If you have preschool or primary school age children and are looking for a great opportunity for them, your partner and you, then this is ideal for you.

Located in a prosperous country town with a fantastic primary school (high achievement at all levels) and a secondary school (with great Year 12 pass rate), this position offers all of the conveniences with none of the drawbacks of the city (although a few people have been fined for returning library books late)…

What’s the secret? Walking in the moccasins of your ideal prospect.  Think about it through their eyes and ears.  Find out what’s important to them, what their real need is and demonstrate that you have the answer.

Does an approach like this work? It sure does… the last advert I helped a prospective employer write generated 220 outstanding applicants!