Isn’t that phrase from the memorable Robin Williams film Dead Poets Society where boys discovered how to be men?

I was reminded of seizing the day when I saw an amateur produced video by the owners of the souvenir shop at the Bath Guildhall Markets in England (or at least it purports to be and I have no reason to doubt it).

With Coronavirus induced gloom spreading faster than Phar Lap ever ran it was great to see a cheerful shopkeeper capitalising on the opportunity to drum up some business by investing in a bit of humour.

I can’t vouch for the legitimacy of this video but even so it’s a great example of taking a chance to make things happen.

Please forgive me for choosing to forward a video to you not only irregularly but when you‘re flat out… I had to get on with it whilst it was still topical. Seize the day so to speak!

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