Have you ever been into McDonald’s and ordered just a burger, nothing else. If you have, I’ll bet that the kid behind the counter didn’t say “That’ll be $3-85 thanks” did they?
Their exact words were “Would you like French fries with that?’
And you groaned inwardly and silently thought to yourself “If I’d wanted French fries I would have damn well asked for them.”
But you said, “Yes please” just like 85% of McDonald’s customers always do.
And bingo, McDonald’s had just increased the value of yet another sale as they do every day in every one of their thousands of restaurants all round the world.

Why do McDonald’s ask whether you want French fires before they ask whether you want a drink? Well, that’s simple too. They have tested a whole lot of things they could say when all you buy is a solitary hamburger and measured the impact on the best barometer in business— their bottom line.
And, guess what? When they ask first of all about your need for French fries, next about a drink and then about the dessert they maximise the value of the sale… to produce the best possible profit.
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Lest you think that there is no relevance to you just remember that McDonald’s have made more millionaires than any other business on the face of the planet—- from mums and dads that buy hamburgers! Just think what could happen for you if you could do what they do.
“Oh no,” you say, “My business is different to McDonald’s. We sell important and expensive widgets not hamburgers. That just wouldn’t work for me!”
Hold on a minute— it’s not what McDonald’s sell so much as how they go about selling it that counts. That’s what you’ve got to cotton onto and use in your business.
So how do we get our team members to do what McDonald’s get 16-year-old kids to do time after time after time?
The next instalment will reveal all!
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