You know it’s amazing what you discover when you practice the ancient and noble art of omphaloskepsis.
It means contemplating whilst gazing at one’s navel and was first practised by the ancient Greeks as an aid to meditation, I understand. Anyway, I love it and practise it often (and I haven’t gone blind!)
That’s by-the-by, so let’s get into what chooks have to do with it.
Well, my dad used to keep chooks. We had about 30 of them and they worked their earnest little butts off providing us with eggs. When they no longer laid eggs, dad chopped their heads off and mum cooked them up to feed the family. There’s gratitude for you.
Generally, they laid an egg a day and they didn’t take all day to do that. So, what did they do for the rest of the day?
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Well, they went out and scratched around their yard, day after day. Looking for whatever delicacy they could find.
And often they found something!
But they never said to themselves, “I scratched around here yesterday and didn’t find anything so I’m not gunna do it today.” They just continued scratching around regardless of previous results and were often rewarded.
So what does that mean to us?
Simple! Never forget efforts that produced results. If it worked for you today, it’ll work for you tomorrow or next week. Sure, try new ground but never neglect the old ground! Never say “I’ve already tried that!”
As the chook knew, life is a passing parade… there might not be a worm there today but life moves on, circumstances change and one day there will be one… big, fat and juicy.
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