Regular readers of my ponderings will be aware that when I’m heading out in the car to meet mates for early morning dog walks or bike rides, my eye is often caught by brilliantly illuminated billboards promoting products and services. (Not that I’m currently doing much heading out in this locked down Victoria in which I reside! None in fact!).
However I love outdoor/ billboard advertising when the message is short and sweet and is coupled with a graphic that really gets the point across.
As with many things in life, some do, some don’t.
Here’s one that didn’t get its point across. It’s too smart by half!

What the hell do those words mean and what the heck is the bottle of gunk doing to what look like biscuits? (Now, admittedly, the photo was taken before dawn but they had enough light on the billboard to illuminate a small town so it should have been clear enough).
Now, perhaps I’m the wrong demographic but, as I still bake cakes and biscuits, its message should have been glaringly obvious to me. But it wasn’t!
One of the most popular products from Winston and his mate Joe Vitale, as they share down-to-earth tips on making business easy and profitable in the most listenable way you can imagine. Get it now!
Since then I’ve found out that everything looks better with sprinkles! Glamour & Sparkle is the latest addition to the Queen Decoration range, featuring a metallic mix of gold, silver and white sprinkles. You can use it on cakes, bakes and sweet treats to turn an everyday recipe into something extra special.
Why didn’t they say that in twelve words or less? “Turn every day cakes and biscuits into something extra special!”
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