There’s a rumour going around again that it’s tough times for many businesses, particularly in the lockdown state. Just in case it’s proving true for you, here’s some food for thought in an article I wrote a few years ago that deserves another run.

Nobody has to suffer equally in a recession. If the averages say we are in a recession it means that 50% of businesses must be doing better and 50% are doing worse than average. So all you have to do is make sure you are one of the businesses doing better.

And how do you do that?

Well, you don’t sit around and do what most people do… batten down the hatches and do nothing.

You do what most people don’t do… you get out there and make things happen. You make offers, you talk to existing clients, you tell your story… you get energetic and harness your energy in the right direction.

One of the most popular products from Winston and his mate Joe Vitale, as they share down-to-earth tips on making business easy and profitable in the most listenable way you can imagine. Get it now!

And remember, because most people are doing nothing, there’s less activity and competition out there. Sometimes there are people screaming to do business with you coz their current supplier isn’t making calls.

As I reminded you recently, one of my favourite authors says, “Show me a person who earnestly and enthusiastically tells their story to just four people every day and I’ll show you a very successful person!”

Just make sure you tell the right people the right story, and make the right offer of course.