Remember the old saying “first impressions count”? Well that’s especially true when you speak or sell.

Leading speaking coach David Griggs mentions 9 important elements to practise that will improve presentation effectiveness and win more sales.

  1. Having good eye communication with people is vital. You need to make eye contact because the way into the very core of a person is through the eyes.
  2. Concentrate on your movement and posture. The way you carry yourself actually conveys a whole lot at a subconscious level to other people.
  3. Smile.

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  1. Vary the speed of delivery and the tone of your voice. There is nothing more boring than listening to a monotone.
  2. Make sure that you look good because your appearance is a reflection of you. A general rule is to be a bit better dressed than your audience.
  3. Don’t use fillers like ‘um’ and ‘ah’. They distract the audience. Learn to be comfortable with silences and the use of pauses.
  4. Involve your listeners. Ask questions, not necessarily expecting or indeed waiting for them to answer. Be sensitive to the feelings that give back to you.
  5. Use humour – not always jokes, but rather the humour of the moment. Anecdotes or real life stories can be very effective.
  6. Be your natural self. Don’t pretend to be something that you’re not. Be who you are and listeners will accept you for it.

Using these tips will make you a better speaker and salesperson. Practise them and you will see your results soar!