In a recent article I complained about difficult-to-read name badges.

Now, I’ve discovered a couple more instances of people not thinking of an end user who’s vision is not what it used to be or where the circumstances may create a problem.

In the first example, the problem arises not only coz of failing vision but because of the complications of having a shower! Yep, that’s right! Having a shower.

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Ever got the water flowing freely at the right temperature over your golden locks and then reached for the shampoo? And tried to read the label to ensure it’s not the conditioner?

Bet you have!

And the brand name is big and bold but no matter how much you squint you can’t make out which one it is! Is it the shampoo or the conditioner?

And the other thoughtless mistake is made by people who print “Open other end” and something that looks vaguely similar on the end of lotion, potion or biscuit packaging. Always done in such small print that you’re bound to get it wrong.

The lesson for us is quite simple.

Look at the age range of your customers and ensure that the stuff you want them to read is easy for them to read.

They’ll love you for it!