I know that most caring people and businesses have name badges to make themselves and team members easily recognisable and establish rapport.
Now, however, as I am slowly sliding into senility, I’m finding that name badges can be the curse of my life.
It’s simply because often they are printed in such small type that I cannot read them from a normal distance. It makes me appear to be a desperate old man as I lean forward to try and find out what they are saying.
Please, when you are ordering name badges for you and your team, make sure they are in a big and simple font that is easy to read for those of us with failing sight!
We’ll thank you for it!
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Damn, I wish I was still in Biz mess, I could help you see the name tags.
For relatively small to exorbitant fee. AS EYE SEE IT!
Yep and you would have been smart enough to capitalise on that opportunity too Bruce! Have a f-a-n-t-a-s-t-i-c day … Winno
The same with business cards. The older we get the smaller the font!
Yeah, dead right David! And have you noticed the same applies to lotsa emails from people who should know better than to use an 8 pt font. Have a f-a-n-t-a-s-t-i-c day … Winno