In one of her blogs my great friend Rowena Szeszeran-McEvoy recently wrote about the 11 silliest things people do in their online business. I thought it was great and worth the investment of your time to read it and, even better, to listen to. Here are the points she makes:


  1. Don’t get Online
  2. Do what everyone else is doing – look, do and say the same stuff as everyone else in your profession / industry – no understanding of USP’s and PODS
  3. Treat / Talk to your customers / clients as a group of people, not individuals
  1. Be BORING and normal and average – voice, clothes, body language, background, energy levels
  2. Be fake – not you – not genuine
  3. Use one form of information- just words, or just pictures, or just video, or just audio
  4. Tell people about YOU and talk about YOU – no understanding of WIIFM or AIDA
  5. Read from notes / need to use notes / look away from the camera for any reason
  6. Be unaware of your background in a camera or video shot
  7. Use a techo person / platform that speaks “Geek” not simple language you can understand / is simple to use
  8. Listen to what the graphic artist and techo people tell you about marketing

(Rowena McEvoy, who with her husband Kerry, is the co-founder of The MAX, International College for Fitness Professionals, is the business and communication mentor and coach for her MAX international fitness professionals. As well, she invests much of her time now chatting in schools, to students and teachers (and to Corporate /Business folks) on the funniest, most logical ways to be healthy, wealthy, happy, successful and excited about business and life!)