Napoleon Bonaparte was reported to have said, “A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of coloured ribbon” or more colloquially, as I put it, “Men will die for a medal!”

It’s incredible. People will do something to get recognition more often than they will do it for reward.

And the recognition doesn’t have to be earth shattering. It’s as simple as finding a reason to tell somebody they’ve done something well or their idea was worthwhile or that their results are great.

Even better. Recognise them in front of their peers. Share it with the team. After all, there’s no point being told you are good if nobody knows about it!

Recognise, too, the special events in their lives. Like birthdays, anniversaries (of joining your company) and other milestones.

After all, it’s great to feel special!

Have a f-a-n-t-a-s-t-i-c day… Winno

P.S. And don’t stop at merely recognising your team members. Find reasons to recognise your suppliers, clients, customers and patients.

P.P.S. And, although I stopped caring about my birthdays ages ago, I do feel great about the number of people who recognised my birthday today!