When my Miracle Worker, Felicity, wrote to me the other day outlining a problem for which she was struggling to find a solution, I was reminded that there are a number of ways you can find a solution, or a better solution, to a problem.


  1.  Ask someone divorced from the problem… explain the problem briefly and ask for their thoughts. As Felicity said when I responded to her with a thought or two, “Oooh, I like that! Thanks! Sometimes it takes someone who’s “outside” the scenario to introduce a whole new slant.”
  1. Remember, as an old boss of mine, the late Alan Bond, used to say, “If you don’t have two solutions to a problem, you don’t have a solution. The enemy of a great idea is a good idea!”

Ideas are a bit like Melbourne trams… they tend to come in bunches and, when the first tram arrives everybody wants to cram aboard, whereas the tram following is almost empty and has tons of room.

The same with good ideas. Once a good idea is suggested everyone wants to embrace it whereas you should stop and ask, “Great. Now is there an even better solution?”

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  1. And, as an even older and much loved boss of mine, my sainted Mother, used to say, “Darling, if you don’t have an answer to a problem… sleep on it! There’ll be one waiting for you in the morning.”

And that’s often true. As you sleep and you brain goes into relax mode it’s subconsciously processing stuff and, bingo, creating solutions. (Sometimes it’ll even wake you in the middle of the night with an answer, so it’s a good idea to have a note pad on the bedside table.)

Stop pondering the problem for a while, wipe the slate clean to allow fresh ideas to sweep in. Go for a walk, have a coffee, listen to some music, read a book, whatever you need to do to blow the fog away.

So there you are, a number of great suggestions to help you get the right, or a better, solution for your problem.

And, by the way, you don’t have to call me darling!