For many people in business, motivation of staff is critical. Many business owners often ask, “How do I get my team to be as enthusiastic about the business as I am?”

Psychologist Michael Field gives two steps that will assist you in building the enthusiasm and commitment of team members:


  1. Alleviate any factors in their role that may be causing job dissatisfaction.
  2. Encourage them by conferring ownership of their role to them.

Staff dissatisfaction comes from factors like working environment, staff supervision, and issues with other work colleagues or the facilities available to them. In addition to this, staff can become decidedly disgruntled over items like salary, if it is below what they feel they should be earning, or not commensurate to the position they hold.

Obtain feedback from your staff about what they feel needs improvement and actively set about correcting those things. At the very least this will lead your staff to a level of neutral satisfaction – in other words a lack of job dissatisfaction.

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Building positive satisfaction is the next step. When staff feel positive towards their role, they display commitment. Involve your staff in what they’re doing by letting them have some say in the planning of what happens. Give them the flexibility to perform their work in the way they think it should be performed.

On top of this it is very important to give your staff feedback, whether positive or negative, to let them know how they’re going. They will most certainly appreciate hearing something from you rather than nothing at all. They can either bask in a warm glow of recognition or be encouraged that they are on the right track by knowing the areas to improve.