Richard Murray has been running the JB HiFi outfit very, very successfully for a few years and has just been lured away to head up operations at Premier Investments. That company is controlled by Solomon Lew, no slouch at getting the best out a business either.
At the press conference where the announcement was made Murray was prevailed upon to give his secrets of success. Here they are as reported by the Melbourne Herald Sun whose copyright I acknowledge.
- Listen and be curious: You are always learning in business. Sometimes from colleagues and business leaders, but more often, they are from people in your company who serve customers.
- Management by walking around: Everywhere – your office, your stores, your customers and also your competitors. In short, don’t get stuck behind your desk.
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- Look after people: In retail, for your people are your most important asset. Treat everyone the way you like to be treated, and don’t ask someone to do something you wouldn’t be prepared to do yourself.
- Surround yourself with the best people: Set targets that are shared, them let them be their best. It’s powerful to see great people working with purpose to a common goal.
- Trust your gut: Every time I ignore that feeling in the pit of my stomach, I usually regret it.
Simple rules from a man who’s been extremely successful so worth you chewing them over and taking on board.
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