I was going through some long lost photos in my files when I stumbled on this photo of me after a stumble. It happened a few years ago when I was running a long, glorious 10-miler (16 Km) through hill country along a fairly notorious muddy road.
As is my wont, I found a particularly tricky piece of road and… kerrash… I went A over T (a running term meaning “head over heels”).
As you can see, my mates ambled over to check out whether I had passed away and thus should grab my wallet and watch.
The gorgeous Millie showed her concern however and licked me back to life and sensibility.

Seeing the photo yesterday reminded me in these nationally stricken Covid times, when so many are doing it really hard, that we all have to remember, “It’s not how often you fall down, it how often you pick yourself up” that matters.
And that’s what I did. I picked myself up and, with blood streaming from various wounds, finished a most enjoyable run (it doesn’t take long to feel great once you get up and get going again!).
So that’s my reminder to you if you’re suffering currently… “It’s not how often you fall down, it how often you pick yourself up!”
To get more on this theme it’s worth watching an American colleague of mine, W Mitchell who, like me, practises what he preaches. He is an American motivational speaker and businessman. Wikipedia says “He is a former member of the United States Marine Corps, burn victim, paraplegic, and a former small-town mayor.”
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