It’s always great to see a business where team members are making a positive contribution to the business because they’ve been given responsibility and authority.

I always remember a survey that was done years ago asking team members what they wanted to enjoy their work. Of course, they wanted great a salary and conditions but, more importantly, they wanted responsibility and authority so they could feel they were playing a part in the success of the business.

I was reminded of that the other day when we’d been out bike riding for a couple of hours on a freezing cold Victorian morning and were looking for a place to warm up over a cup of coffee and a bacon and egg sandwich.

The nine of us came across a good looking cafe but, unfortunately, there wasn’t room enough for us to cram in the warmth inside.

So, I was about to move us on when a very personable team member said, “No, no we can make it warm and comfortable outside, we’ve got blankets for you that are beautiful and warm.”

“Yes”, I said “but you’ve only got stools and I need a back on my chair”.

“No problems”, she reckons, “I’ll bring you a chair out and make you comfortable.”

What could I do? She had overcome all of my problems and it was now time for me to respond in accordance with the Law of Mutual Reciprocity*.

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She made us comfortable and, between us, we spent over 200 bucks for breakfast which would have been otherwise lost to a competitor had she not have the confidence to do what was necessary to solve our problems.

Most team members would’ve done nothing to keep us and the $200 would’ve moved on.

When your team members have the confidence that responsibility and authority give them, they’ll make a great contribution to the success of your business.

*Law of Mutual Reciprocity: when somebody does something good for you, you feel obliged to return the favour.