Many small business owners think that having a video made for their business can be very expensive yet nothing could be further from the truth. Yes, you can get an Oscar winning video made for your business but you can also get a great video that’ll do the job just as well or better by talking to an expert who knows the game and who won’t suggest a budget that breaks the bank.

Keith Rhodes is such a guy. He talks down-to-earth common sense and I find his advice very helpful as this recent blog demonstrates.

Do you run out of ideas for content marketing?

Here are two short clips in a series reviewing videos that I’ve bookmarked over the years, because I like them or some element in them. Call it inspiration fodder for a videographer and now, also for you. Here’s the first two.

Do you have the guts to mix extreme claims, humour and your marketing messages together?

This US video production agency has a system for making funny marketing videos. They spend lots of time planning and researching the audience before they go near a camera. And they carefully choose actors who can pull it off. The benefit is their videos do get heaps of views. Check it out. I’d love to make something like this. Get in touch if you’d like to also.

Intro stings or openers. What are they good for?

‘Intro stings’ or ‘openers’ generally come after the talking head introduction and before the body of the video. It sets up the tone and shows the video title and your logo. There’s lots of stock websites where you can buy these pre-made. Storyblocks or Videohive are the main ones I use. If you want an asset like this to go with your videos, give me a call.

Feel free to pass this along to anyone else who might find it useful.
Best… Keith Rhodes, Director
Clips That Sell Pty Ltd

T 0401991866 E

May be worth giving him a call. You may just get more bang from your advertising and promotional buck!