Right now we are in lockdown for the sixth time. I’m not asking for sympathy because, if you live almost anywhere in Australia, you’re probably in lockdown too.

I guess what you can do during lockdown varies from state-to-state, but here in Victoria we can only go out for five reasons and one of them is to get sustenance. For many of us, me included, “getting sustenance” means getting a cup of coffee on the way home from our favourite (within 5km) exercising places.

Unfortunately, when we go to most takeaway places that’s only what we get! Coffee!

And it shouldn’t be!

When I ask for a cup of coffee it’s a chance to “add on sell” me. Yet, without fail, all that ever happens is they happily just accept my coffee order.

Not once during the odd 180 days or so of lockdown we have enjoyed here in fortress Victoria have I bought coffee and ever been asked “Would you like a muffin with that today?” or “Can I add a ready-to-go bacon and egg toastie to that?”

Small businesses all over Victoria are struggling and yet none of them are using the basic principles of good retailing to increase the value of purchases.

Come to think of it, the pioneers of the art, Maccas, seem to have allowed their team members to forget the practice. Although, when I order on my phone, it automatically offers me an add on.

Are you missing upsell, add on sell or cross sell chances in your business?