How often have you found when you are trying to reassure prospects that, if you make promises, you’ll be able to keep them.
But a nagging thought in the back of your mind reminds you there are occasions, beyond your control, when you just won’t be able to deliver on those promises.
So you don’t want to give your wonderful iron clad guarantee coz of the fear of not delivering on it.
That’s maybe when you can use that lovely word… “usually”.
It’s reassuring to most people without stringently nailing you down to something that’s impossible to contradict, weaken or change (as the Oxford Dictionary defines “ironclad”).
Rather than saying “We guarantee next day delivery!” if maybe occasionally you can’t, isn’t it easier to say “We can usually guarantee next day delivery!” without losing any impact.
Words like “generally” or “normally” will also serve the same purpose but I’ll stick with my first choice… usually!

Great customer service hasn't changed in the years since this fantastic live session with the great Doug Malouf and Winston was recorded. Discover how to give customer service that really works. How to be BIG on Customer Service
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