The other day I was sitting quietly reading my local metropolitan newspaper when I was arrested by this dirty big full page advert.

The headline didn’t make much sense but maybe the reason why it was time for me would become obvious in the rest of the advert.

So, I read it carefully.

Well, when I read it, I gathered that the gist of it was that animals shouldn’t suffer pain or fear prior to slaughter… a sentiment with which I firmly agree.

So I would commit. But how do I do that?

The advert provided me with no answers! Unless I had animals or customers (assumedly for beef).

I had none of either!

So, it got me thinking.

Was the metro newspaper really the right media in which to run this advert? A better avenue surely would be through publications and programs directed at farmers, beef producers in particular.

The secret of successful advertising is getting to your target market. A great advert precisely directed to the right market will get results. A great advert directed at the wrong market gets no results!

Download Winston’s fantastic “How to write a great advertisement” for just $40 here