The other day I was talking to one of my long-standing clients and he asked whether I could remind him of my story on hunting bears.
The reason was quite simple… his sales team were going every which way in their search for prospects using every device, traditional and digital, under the sun. They needed to settle down and have a system.
Happy to oblige, I reminded him of that old metaphor, birds of a feather flock together.
And it’s the same with bears. Bears of a fur gather togeth-ur (you gotta say it to get the rhyme!).
So, find one bear in the forest…
You know if you hunt around a forest carefully and quietly and you find one bear, guess what? Chances are you’ll find lots of bears.
Because bears are gregarious. They live and love, dance and sing, eat and drink, work and play together.
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So do the people in a particular target market. Chances are engineers belong to the same clubs, read similar magazines, watch the same TV programs and so on. People in similar demographic /psychographic groups have similar characteristics, interests, fears, concerns, ambitions and joys.
If you find one bear in the forest you’ll find lots of bears.
Succeed with one person in the target market and you’ve got a recipe to succeed with everyone in that market.
Bears of a fur gather togeth-ur!
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