Way back in October ’96, in his No BS Marketing Letter, the late and legendary Dan S Kennedy (and my personal guru) gave these rules to guarantee that you rapidly achieve this enviable position:

1. Show up.

2. Show up on time.

3. Show up ready to perform.

4. Study and learn something new about your field every day.

5. Study and work to be an expert, a specialist.

6. Invest some time every day in self-improvement.

7. Know that, by doing these things, you are more knowledgeable and expert than most, so act like it.

8. Look, talk and act like a top success in your field.

9. Be a marketer first and foremost and be a marketer of what you do more than a doer of what you.

10. Manage and invest your time well.

Wise words, worth taking on board and acting upon them.

If you want to do more, be more and achieve more you must read this book today!