In my last article I was talking about a school going the wrong way about looking for students.

First, the advert. At the top, reversed out, the school name and logo, then a stupid headline directed at nobody… “Experience the value of a (school name) education today.”

Three small, fuzzy uncaptioned photos, email, phone and website plus “Prospectus on request” completes this compelling advert.

Who the heck are they targeting… parents, potential students or both? Well, decide whom and then have a headline with a big fat benefit. Maybe for parents “Get your child a private school education at state school prices!” for example.

And if a prospect is interested, it being a Saturday, the only place they can go is to the website where the horror continues!

Download Winston’s fantastic “How to write a great advertisement” for just $40 here

Some grandiose statements about the school’s ethos, a link that doesn’t work and another to a YouTube site.

Ha, YouTube was where it could have really been done well with a sincere, credible, me-to-you chat from the Principal which could have made it game, set and match!

But, no! No chat! Just umpteen squillion words on the screen drearily describing something or other.

You get the picture!

No wonder I shake my weary, old head in disbelief.

I just dunno!