Because of some medical treatment I’ve been enjoying recently I’ve been reminded of a very effective way of getting people to perform to their best.

You see for the treatment I’ve been enjoying I get rated out of 100 every day. Imagine how disappointed I was when I scored a measly 35, then a 57 and back down again to 42. Although disappointed, every little score heightened my resolve to do better.

So, I kept at it. Trying harder, focussing, concentrating, trying to do better.

Practical advice and solutions expressed clearly and concisely.
Pick Winno's brain.

Because of some medical treatment I’ve been enjoying recently I’ve been reminded of a very effective way of getting people to perform to their best.

You see for the treatment I’ve been enjoying I get rated out of 100 every day. Imagine how disappointed I was when I scored a measly 35, then a 57 and back down again to 42. Although disappointed, every little score heightened my resolve to do better.

So, I kept at it. Trying harder, focussing, concentrating, trying to do better.

And gradually my scores improved till I was hitting the 90’s and aiming for the ultimate… the magic 100!And, now I’ve made it, I’m not slipping back to those measly low scores.

I’m committed to working at my best!

And, by the way, what got me thinking about this was watching a program about Sydney trains. I saw how hard train cleaners worked to get a score of the magic 8… for them the ultimate mark of a super clean railway carriage!