I think you’ll recall that I constantly remind you of the value of checking what you write by using the MSW Readability Test. This is where we aim to get what we write understood by somebody in year 8 to 10.
The readability test is a very simple way of checking it.
Well, in his newsletter today, Denny Hatch gave a useful tip to establish how easy it is to understand what we write:
From the newsletter of a man whose praises I have sung on many occasions. Here’s a link to his newsletter!
There seems to be, in my experience over many years, something embedded in the culture of many doctors, dentists and lawyers (obviously excluding John, above) that requires them to have little respect for the time of their clients, the people who are the primary source of their income. It isn’t always possible for, say, a doctor to complete a consultation on time but, as you rightly say, Winston, they should train their receptionists to explain, forewarn (text messages work well) , or whatever, that the clinic is unexpectedly running behind schedule. Of course this requires the said doctors/dentists to care enough to train their staff to do it.
Great observation thanks Malcolm! It’d also be wonderful if the receptionists who ignore you for minutes when you enter a doctor’s room learnt to smile and greet you immediately and perhaps say, if their current task is really important, “I’ll be with you in just a moment.”